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Do I need to understand XML?

  • No. You don't have to. We only use XML for data storage. No XSL, CSS or whatever other style sheet involved.

What you need to do are:

  1. Download a XML editor. Go to google.com and search "free xml editor". There are hundreds of them waiting for you to choose.
  2. Open "default.xml" with your XML Editor.
  3. There are 2 node under the only "Data" node.
    • config - This node stores menu style parameter.
    • menu - This node stores menu content.
  4. Under "config", modify any attribute of the node to get your own menu style.
  5. Each "menu" node have 3 attributes:
    • caption - text show up in the menu button.
    • target - this can be szMain, _blank(for popup window) or any other frame name.
    • href - this can be:
      • absolute address. (http://www.dell.com/)
      • relative address. (../another_page.htm)
      • javascript. ( javascript:alert('hellow, my menu') )
  6. Take the full advantage of your XML Editor. Copy, paste, duplicate, insert, move or delete any node or sub-node to get the menu you want. Do not worry about nesting. Unlimited!
  7. If there is anything you feel difficult to understand, just use default. It works great.